About The Bookkeeping Blog

You are the answer to your success

My Mission Is To Help You Achieve Your Goals

I am building this Bookkeeping Blog because I am all about helping people achieve their dreams and building financial independence. I believe we can learn anything we decide to dedicate ourselves to and bookkeeping happens to be one of my passions because excellent bookkeeping is a foundational necessity for business and future growth, the ability to take care of ourselves and enjoy a life we design. It is my desire to help remind you that “You are the magic.” My Blog Mission is to provide you with knowledge of sound bookkeeping procedures that will ensure your books remain in good standing and of great value in making sound business decisions.

The information I am using for this blog comes from years of experience as a bookkeeper, in both private and public firms and being self-employed for the last years, from research when that applies and from the knowledge of past mentors that I have had the great honor to know.

It is my hope that if you come across this blog it will serve you well and help you obtain some basic and perhaps advanced level of skill. Knowledge though, you must remember, only truly comes when applied. You must apply knowledge for it to sink in and have effect within your life.

We will start with what I see as the Basics of Bookkeeping and continue on through the set-up of QuickBooks Online and more bookkeeping information. We will discuss a variety of topics, the whys and the how-to. I am always open to requests for additional articles that you may need clarity on. You can always reach out with any request and as I am able I may well write that article for you. I will also have a Help Desk service for those that just need a bit of more personal or advanced help here and there or someone to look things over and suggest corrections, changes, etc. I also have Bookkeeping Services where I manage your bookkeeping in a way that fits your company needs. I gear my services to the particular client, where they are at, and what their specific needs may be. Work done by A Bookkeeper Online is for the most part, remote, although I may travel at times.

Here’s to you. I Hope You Dance!